Going to the end of text in a listbox-cell

In a textfield you go to the end of the text with :

TextField.SelStart = TextField.Text.Len

But how can I do the same with the text in a listbox-cell ?

Menu Edit, Option SelectAll ?

Yes, it works !

I mean without going to the menu, but by using code.
Here is a sample :

MyListbox.CellType(0, 0) = Listbox.TypeEditable

In that cell there is text and I want to add text or change the text.
When the cell gets the focus, ALL the text is selected.
I want that the cursor is at the end of the text.

In Listbox.CellGotFocus


me.ActiveCell.SelStart = me.ActiveCell.Text.Len

Tx Karen, I tried it, but it does not work.

Karen, when I put your code directly after my code like this :

MyListbox.CellType(0, 0) = Listbox.TypeEditable
MyListbox.ActiveCell.SelStart = MyListbox.ActiveCell.Text.Len

instead of in MyListbox.CellGotFocus, than
Thank you very much.

So my problem is solved.