Glossy/Glassy Gradient

I know how to do linear gradients and radial gradient morphing from one color to another, or various colors with stops.

What I need instead is, Given ONE color, produce a Glossy gradient…

something that perhaps goes from 100% the given color at start and end, and morphs thru some calculated values in between

The only given are the base color, and X,Y, width, height of a rectangle

It really depends on what kind of glossy effect that you’re trying to achieve. I personally tend to draw the gradients to the context via CoreGraphics and using blending modes. Using Overlay, it dodges the area where the lighter color of the gradient is drawn, while the darker area of the gradient will be burned giving a sort of glossy effect.

an example??

Sorry Dave, I had a quick look for a simple example… The only one I could find was done really lightly so it’s almost not noticeable.

Perhaps this old blog post could help: