Getting progress info from a Xojoscript

This came up briefly in another conversation about Xojoscript, but I had other things on my mind and didn’t pursue it at the time.

I have a Xojoscript that performs a very long iterative calculation, and it would be nice to know how close it is to being finished. My understanding is that once a Xojoscript starts, it won’t yield to other threads until it’s completely finished running. Is that correct? and if so, is there any simple way to get some basic data out of the Xojoscript while it’s running?

put a method on whatever context object you have and call that from your script
then the context can forward that along however it wants

but just generically without a context object there isn’t a way

Okay thanks. It hadn’t been clear to me.

So then, I assume that the Xojoscript must be running in its own thread and the method that it calls to output the data must then yield time to other threads so that the UI can update?

Got it working. I think I was trying to make it a lot more complicated than it needed to be.
Thanks again.