Get control key down?

How do I get my app to detect if the control key is held down. The keycode does not seem to be listed in the Xojo docs and there is an AsyncControlKey property but unless I am doing something wrong, it does not appear to detect if the key is HELD. The docs even say that it is true when the key is depressed.

I am sure the solution is very simple. Please could somebody help out with this?


Control Alt & Delete dont generate key presses that KeyDown detects

[quote=142711:@Oliver Scott-Brown]How do I get my app to detect if the control key is held down. The keycode does not seem to be listed in the Xojo docs and there is an AsyncControlKey property but unless I am doing something wrong, it does not appear to detect if the key is HELD. The docs even say that it is true when the key is depressed.

I am sure the solution is very simple. Please could somebody help out with this?


Keyboard.AsyncControlKey tells you if the key is depressed or not. Not that it just got pressed, or just released, like KeyDown and KeyUp. So you can use a timer to monitor it and check how long it is held.

That makes sense. Thanks

So I have to use a timer? Thanks

Used a timer and my code now works. Thanks