Absolutely. But with restricted access our children should not suffer the shock of seeing their parents like that.
Yes, definitely with photos!
still have Olympia 1984 in mind with fanfare theme…
I’m back again on this page now, you found me.
And for those who have never seen a Renault Super 5 :
Speaking of my Transylvania OSX Remake again, there is now a new version available, compiled with Xojo 2015r2.4,
which weights huge 48 MiB’s and adds a nearly 2000 pixels wide window now (no Retina yet).
Next time, I think, I could optionally let the user copy the graphics and sound sources into the Application Support folder,
So I’m probably able to offer some smaller Application files as update, even code-signed and
→ working, when not all neccessary files are inside the application package.