Friday Xojo Hangout (2020-10-02)

Friday Xojo Hangout
Topic: It’s October!?!?!
Time: 2020-10-02T20:00:00Z (local time, 40 minutes)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 883 1370 4315

I’ll have some more Xojo shirts to mail out for those who join the Hangout! :slight_smile:



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3 minute reminder!

Hangout is on - come by and say hi to the group, plus Geoff, Paul, Javier and Robin are here today too!

Hello @Dana_Brown I’m interesting on Xojo Hangout, I live in France (GMT+1). Is it possible to announce the next Hangout a few days before it start rather a few hours. Thank you :wink:

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It’s always same days and same time.
So for you about

  • Monday 20:00 o’clock
  • Wednesday 20:00 o’clock
  • Friday 22:00 o’clock

Not starting next week. It will be on Friday and one other day to be announced.

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Tiens! Je n’en savais rien. Mais ça m’intéresse aussi. Pour moi, alors, qui habite en Angleterre, ça sera à 19h les lundis, mercredis et vendredis. (Sauf demain, le 5 octobre?)

The forum software shows the time in local time zone, so just look in the forum thread.
