Free users and version control formats?

I would like to know why free Xojo users cannot save in the version control formats (text & xml). Xojo Inc claims it’s to keep their revenue stream “intact”, but don’t all users need a Xojo license to build their projects? Answer: They do.

So, I don’t see why free users are restricted to saving in the binary format and not the version control formats when they need a license to build, and thus need to purchase a license.

If you’re right that they need a license anyway, what does it matter?

But the explanation is to prevent a team from using several free copies with text format while purchasing one build license.

[quote=55422:@Shane Gibbs]I would like to know why free Xojo users cannot save in the version control formats (text & xml). Xojo Inc claims it’s to keep their revenue stream “intact”, but don’t all users need a Xojo license to build their projects? Answer: They do.

So, I don’t see why free users are restricted to saving in the binary format and not the version control formats when they need a license to build, and thus need to purchase a license.[/quote]
50 free users all using version control
1 person doing builds
1 license required


[quote=55426:@Kem Tekinay]If you’re right that they need a license anyway, what does it matter?

But the explanation is to prevent a team from using several free copies with text format while purchasing one build license.[/quote]

Could do the same with the Binary format.

[quote=55429:@Norman Palardy]50 free users all using version control
1 person doing builds
1 license required


All using binary format
1 person doing builds and 1 license required.

Yep, hardly see how the binary format prevents this.

a team with binary format will not have fun.

[quote=55430:@Shane Gibbs]Yep, hardly see how the binary format prevents this.


While binary format would be OK if the individuals working in a group were working on totally independent projects with no shared code and then submitting the binary format to one person to build., it would be unwieldy for team working together or sharing code.

Been there did that it’s a total pain
More hassle than its worth
And version control really is a requirement for any team

[quote=55436:@Norman Palardy]Been there did that it’s a total pain
More hassle than its worth
And version control really is a requirement for any team[/quote]

Does this include open-source software that developer give away for free? Because the current saving restriction isn’t open source friendly.

Use the binary format & give away all the source you want

The file format has nothing to do with being open source friendly

[quote=55439:@Norman Palardy]Use the binary format & give away all the source you want
The file format has nothing to do with being open source friendly[/quote]

Oh, so I can use Github within Xojo? There must be some super secret button combo to get Github access. (That’s the advantage of using the version control formats. They’re perfect for Github.)

Just Push the project file to GitHub like you would any other file. There are lots of Xojo open-source projects, many of which use GitHub:

Git can handle binary files - it can’t diff them effectively.
Xojo’s business isn’t predicated on supporting open source - thats a choice you make as the contributor - not us.
If you want to and want to do so with version control formats that’s up to you.
But I’m not sure that your choice to contribute to open source (in text formats or not) should force us to give away licenses so you can.

This is our license model and further debate about it should be taken up with Geoff.
But I suspect the answer won’t be wildly different.

What if “that team” has a tool like ARBED ? Convert binary to vcp and voila team has 50 players and 1 copy.
You can even create such tool with a big team i guess.

Still a pain in the butt to have to convert to binary / back to text to check in / back to binary to work & run etc
You could do it but its a huge waste of developer time

And we could deliberately change the binary format to break Arbed :slight_smile:
Thats unintentionally happened before and there are aspects of current projects it doesn’t read properly.

[quote=55516:@Norman Palardy]Still a pain in the butt to have to convert to binary / back to text to check in / back to binary to work & run etc
You could do it but its a huge waste of developer time

And we could deliberately change the binary format to break Arbed :slight_smile:
Thats unintentionally happened before and there are aspects of current projects it doesn’t read properly.[/quote]

Yes, but i was saying it more to be off an suggestion that it can be done if someone really wants it.