Forum's PM weirdness.

I have noticed that I can no longer see any previous conversations I have had with other members.

When I try to, the search field auto-completes, as in the example below:

#private + #contributor:Richard Summers

However, if I change the auto-completed text to this:

#private + Richard Summers - I can then see the private conversations I have had with that person.

Is anyone else experiencing this?


Where did everybody go?
Hey - who turned the lights out?

Has anyone heard of Richard recently? I cannot even find him in the user list anymore …

:smiley: – no, seriously: I wonder why you search for private + your name. When I search for private threads, the search field is filled with #private only – not my name. Which makes sense, because I cannot view private conversations which I am not part of. So no, I haven’t experienced this behavior.

Did Richard lose track of his privates again?

I can imagine the design meeting for that one, where someone says (or thinks to himself), “Nah, nobody would ever try it that way!” Never underestimate your users.

Oi - I can hear you all!
I used MY name ONLY as an example!!!

If I click on Ulrich Bogun, and then click on see all the private conversations I’ve had with Ulrich Bogun - the search field automatically displays this: #private + #contributor:Ulrich Bogun

It then says there are no private conversations (even though we have had private conversations)???

If I then change the search field’s text to: #private + Ulrich Bogun - I can then see them all.

Thanks, now I got it. Hm, seems to me the # before contributor doesn’t work. You’ll find the same for a query without #private: a contributor:whoever brings you the threads he particpated in, with # it returns 0.

Forum Administrator - could you please fix this?
Thanks :slight_smile: