I’m working on a refactored version of some file handling and I’ve running into and oddity. When I call f.Delete after getting the FolderItem, I’m getting a 101 as the LastErrorCode. If f.Exists, how could f.Delete result in a 101?
Here’s the code:
Dim f As FolderItem
Dim x As Integer
// the LoadedDefinition is derived from the list item selected in the ContextualMenu click
// BRUDefinitionPath is a Nativepath string with a trailing / or \\ depending on the platform
f = GetFolderItem(BRUDefinitionPath + LoadedDefinition, FolderItem.PathTypeNative)
If f <> Nil And f.Exists Then // <-- if this is correct, then ...
Dim md As New MessageDialog
md.Title = "Job Deletion"
md.Message = "Delete selected job?"
md.explanation = "This will delete the job specfications from your environment. " + _
It will NOT remove any other data associated with previous runs of this job" + _
EndOfLine + EndOfLine + "Delete Job """ + LoadedDefinition + """?"
md.ActionButton.Caption = "Delete"
md.CancelButton.Visible = True
md.CancelButton.Default = True
md.CancelButton.Caption = "Keep"
If md.ShowModalWithin(WMain) = md.ActionButton Then
f.Delete // <-- I should never get here, right?
If f.LastErrorCode <> 0 Then
End If
For x = JobDefinitions.Ubound DownTo 0
If JobDefinitions(x) = LoadedDefinition Then
End If
End If
End If
Thanks, but I’ve stepped through this in the debugger and watched the Exists property show as True before the Delete call. Of course, it doesn’t exist “after” the Delete call since the file no longer exists, but the LastErrorCode should not show 101 if the call was to Delete. Otherwise, the 101 would indicate success with regard to the Delete call. Maybe that is the issue and 101 is valid after a call to Delete.
Try to see if file exists before delete command in your code and see what you will get as reply.
Also you can update your code regarding to using break with bellow way as any fair suggestion
If f.LastErrorCode = 0 Then
For x = JobDefinitions.Ubound DownTo 0
If JobDefinitions(x) = LoadedDefinition Then
End If
End If
Also you can set in ELSE part error message and display error - later when you fix issue.
[quote=393380:@Dave S]
f.Delete // <-- I should never get here, right?
If f.LastErrorCode <> 0 Then
Break //<--- you actually mean here?
End If
you mean you should never get to the BREAK, not the DELETE line, right?
since you wouldn’t “expect” an error when deleting an existing file…
if the file to be deleted a local or remote file? (not that it really should matter)
or as suggested on another thread… is the file still OPEN?[/quote]
No - since the f <> Nil And f.Exists should be False when that check is made, I should never get into the part of the loop that allows the f.Delete call to occur.
The files are in a local folder and both the folder and the file are there with proper permissions.
As mentioned above, I’m getting a 101, not a 102, 103, or 104. Maybe that’s the thing here. Since I’m deleting the file (which is deleted successfully, BTW), maybe the return of 101 is a validation of the Delete call instead of a 0?