Flash Video - can this be view via Xojo?


I have a Flash Video clip.

How can I open it in a window in Xojo?



If the user has Flash Player installed you can put a HTMLViewer on the window and load a HTML page that embeds the flash video.

Note: That applies only to .swf; if you’re talking .flv it gets more complex as you need some kind of player for that.

Hi Tim,
Not sure what to do, do you mind providing some code?

You can make a simple test

Make a new Project with only a HTMLViewer, run it and drop the swf File from Finder to the HTMLViewer.

This works in OSX, maybe in Windows too

Hi Axel,
Tried that but it does not work, it shows the green “+” but nothing else happens.

What’s the file?
.swf or .flv?

Flash Video Extension .swf

this is the link…


does not work here, maybe a problem with the movie.

if the movie is ok, it should also work with safari or firefox (drop)

Since it’s a SWF you can just use a html page inside a HTMLViewer to display it.

I think if it is not working with Safari then it will not work with HTMLViewer.
maybe the movie is corrupt …


Thanks Axel,

Still does not work, a white screen is seen after the file is dropped.

Maybe something is wrong with the file, it used to work on Internet explorer only, but since Internet Explorer no longer works on Mac I am not able to verify the integrity of the file.

this is the link…
