First Xojo-created iOS App now in App Store!

TipVue, essentially the Tip Calculator example app included with Xojo, was submitted to the App Store a little over a week ago. It was just approved by Apple today and is now available in the App Store.

Check it out

It’s free and should be appearing in all countries throughout the day.

Very exciting. Do you know if this is the first Xojo-created iOS app in the store?

Well done Paul!
Although you did throw me for a minute…
How did he get it to look like THAT, I wondered…



Yes, this is the first Xojo-created iOS app in the App Store.

[quote=150863:@Paul Lefebvre]TipVue, essentially the Tip Calculator example app included with Xojo, was submitted to the App Store a little over a week ago. It was just approved by Apple today and is now available in the App Store.

Check it out

It’s free and should be appearing in all countries throughout the day.[/quote]

Congratulations, Paul.

You know, it would be a jolly good idea to name this thread like the Mac one :
iOS Applications in the iTunes Store
and pin it, like the Mac one.

Then am sure a lot of people will follow, announcing their apps :slight_smile:

I’m happy to create a new sticky thread for that, once we’ve been out longer than the App Store review time. In the case of this app, it took 9 days from App Store submission to approval.

And as an FYI for people, the App Store is closed from Dec 22 through Dec 29. No app can be submitted during that time and you actually won’t be able to use iTunes Connect at all during that time.

Michel’s idea is a good one.

For our community as a whole, this is a big day.

It seems like good cause for a special celebration, although I am not sure what that might consist of.

I don’t know if this is true for everybody, but the holidays season is particularly bad for my software selling business both on my web sites and in the MAS. I use to call it “the re-entry blackout”. Like what happens for spacecrafts when they go through the upper atmosphere, it is radio silence while people are so busy buying gifts, they forget my fonts and programs.

It has already started.

Then in January, things pick up again.

Paul, you shouldn’t be calculating tips on the taxed amount of a bill. You should also have an opportunity to input a pre-discount amount (like in a buy one entree, get one free scenario) since the server team deserve to be tipped on the true bill amount rather than the after discount amount. Also, the tip percentage slider doesn’t give us good feedback as to what percentage has been chosen. It might be better to simply display 10%, 12%, 15%, 18%, and 20% values.

Not to lessen the excitement over a Xojo iOS app in the App store, but from what I’m running into, we’re going to see a lot of calculators, web viewers, tic-tac-toe games, and notepad apps built with Xojo for iOS in the near future.

Hopefully we won’t be seeing &^%&% Bird clones.

Not with the current API…

Eh? Making a game is mostly about a full screen canvas, drawing pictures, and playing sounds- all of which are there. You’d need to declare for GameCenter integration, but otherwise I’m not sure anyone faces much technical limitation…

Sprites, Collision mapping, Lights, Accelerometer support, and quite a few other things are missing. I guess a simple Klondike or other card game might be possible, but that’s not a &^%&% Bird clone :).

You don’t need those to do a clone. You’d use your own xplat sprite/collision routines of course, and that class of game doesn’t use the accelerometer at all. Perhaps something similar might make an interesting included example in the future? But my goodness, I should be careful what I might encourage… :wink:

It doesn’t calculate the tip on the total amount of the bill, just the amount before tax. It does however only have a fixed 8% tax rate.

I don’t think I’ll be adding new features. This was just a test to make sure it would get through the App Store approval process. I’ll probably remove it from the store in a few days anyway. The world doesn’t really need yet another tip calculator.

Well, with GameKit, SpriteKit and Metal lying around I would rather wait the few month until 64bit is available on iOS. Or are they not 64bit exclusive frameworks like on Mac OS X?

… and, btw, for simple animations there’s no canvas needed. It’s all in the view (but this is rather for an intro screen than for game animations)

That’s awesome Paul! What did you use to wrap and upload the app to the App Store? Or is this info in a help guide in the docs? I haven’t gotten through everything yet

AppWrapper is extremely popular, and developed by Sam on these forums - I would definitely recommend getting it :slight_smile:
You just need to find out if it also works for iOS, as that target is new to us.

Link to AppWrapper by Ohanaware

Hope that helped.

You don’t need anything else to submit an iOS app to the app store when you are ready. The instructions are here: