find Maxdate of Month


If I want to find Maxdate of each Month

what is function ?

thank you.


There isn’t a built in function for that, but making your own is not difficult. Anyway you have the code you need here:


Perhaps you are searching for an other function:

Testing if the date is a correct date, use this:

  Dim theDate as New Date
  Dim converted as Boolean
  converted = ParseDate("32.12.2013", theDate)
  If converted then
    MsgBox("Correct: " + theDate.AbbreviatedDate)
  End If

32.12.2013 is the german notation.
If you using a US-Layout, you have to use, 12/32/2013.

12/32/2013 is showing wrong
12/31/2013 is showing correct

Alwyn Bester

I’m run excample code of you but error --> MsgBox Str(d.MaxDays)

Make sure the following method is added to a module in your project…

Function MaxDays(extends d As Date) As Integer
  Dim days As Integer
  days = 31
  select case d.Month
  case 4, 6, 9, 11
    days = 30
  case 2
    if (d.Year mod 4) = 0 then
      days = 29
      days = 28
    end if
  end select
  return days
End Function

…then the following should work

  Dim d as new Date
  MsgBox Str(d.MaxDays)

You can download the example project here…

This is really simple:
dim the variables
bol = parsedate(“first day of the following month in whatever way you write your dates”, d)
d.totalseconds = d.totalseconds - 86400 (606024) is your answer
works for 01Jan, leap years, you name it


[quote=43021:@Alwyn Bester]Make sure the following method is added to a module in your project…

  case 2
    if (d.Year mod 4) = 0 then
      days = 29
      days = 28
    end if
  end select


Be careful, mod 4 is not enough. Every 100 years it’s 28 instead of 29.

Didn’t realize this, thanks for pointing it out.

Gerd’s solution then looks like a more elegant solution.

For the sake of interest… here is the fixed method… from a quick Google search it appears that years that are divisible by 100 AND 400 are also leap years (e.g. 2000)

Function MaxDays(extends d As Date) As Integer
  Dim days As Integer
  days = 31
  select case d.Month
  case 4, 6, 9, 11
    days = 30
  case 2
    if ((d.Year mod 4) = 0) then
      if (d.Year mod 100) <> 0 then
        days = 29
        if (d.Year mod 400) = 0 then
          days = 29
          days = 28
        end if
      end if
      days = 28
    end if
  end select
  return days
End Function