Feedback Ranking

If feedback case 9433 - Ability to build iOS (iPhone/iPad) applications is scheduled to happen as we all know it is why is it still ranking first and wasting top spot. Would everyone not be better adding 11151 - Add support for building apps for Google’s Android mobile smartphone OS to shift this to top spot?

You can ask folks to rank it but I can say that It won’t be on my list
I’d rather a number of other items got ranked way above Android

[quote=71734:@Norman Palardy]You can ask folks to rank it but I can say that It won’t be on my list
I’d rather a number of other items got ranked way above Android[/quote]

Me too, i’m not that interested in android I was using it as an example. But for instance iOS development hit top spot and is now scheduled so wouldn’t it be better for something else to get top spot?

I suppose but you have to get folks to switch their choices to something else

With Basic4Android so cheap it might be hard to justify spending the time on Android.

I just gave it 50 more points. The Great Lakes will freeze over first, but why not make a tiny point?

I think I’ve used those words just in a slightly different order :stuck_out_tongue:

Let me clarify

Androids hugely variable installed base & device support is a problem.
That MAY change as Google moves more & more things into its closed source thereby forcing device makers to do less messing around with the base installs & also forces device makers to keep more up to date (

But we’ll see

Android would, like iOS, be an entirely new platform (like IOS is) and so lead times is probably on the same time scale

I remain very … skeptical … that the Android market is one that would prove to be lucrative for our user base.
Sp far analysis of revenues & sales for developers that do target iOS & Android suggest that it’s not in general.
But I’d also be just as happy to be proved wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

Given the lead time, I remain skeptical too! But you’re looking at $$ and not value. Developing for iOS, I have basically one target, the iOS App Store. Enterprise deployment is basically not an option for small solutions providers. Developing for Android, I can post an apk to my website and anyone can sideload. Many very popular Android developers (including Facebook) have gone this route at some point. Small solutions developers do this in spades for Android mobile. Most custom vertical apps don’t go through a store at all. They don’t need to.

From Xojo’s perspective its a feature set entry - Yes we support Android, and iOS, and … so on
From any one of our users perspective I suspect it’s a niche market

But I’d also be just as happy to be proved wrong :stuck_out_tongue:
Its just unlikely to happen soon since we have iOS, 64 bit, llvm and a few other bits to get done first