Feedback confusion

@Greg O’Lone: ouch.

I am one of the silent ones. I don’t report anymore when the IDE crashes. And it does several times a week…

@Paul Gaspar: do you have the secret preferences option on to not save before compiling? That was a big problem for 2017r3.

@Greg O’Lone: did this make it into an official option for 2018r1?

Norman Palardy wrote:

I get that it might behave this way for both of you
It doesn’t behave that way here and I use the exact same IDE with the same requirements etc
And never have this occur

Without a way to reproduce this it’s unlikely I’ll ever stumble upon what causes it and what it will take to fix this.[/quote]

Didn’t we have that last year before the problem with saving before compiling was found? Do we need to rehash this again?

Paul Gaspar wrote:

my 2cents. macOS/Xojo2016r4.1
I usually have the IDE running 10+ hours a day… with multiple projects open, some small, some over 50meg in project size
and I have NEVER had the IDE crash.

Indeed, the Mac IDE never crashes. But the Windows one regularly does. Whichever version…

Actually, it is usually the worst : a silent crash.

Indeed, the Mac IDE crashes rather often. macOS deleted the crash reports after a time, doesn’t it?

From what I can see is that the debugger made some problems. The usual “step through a couple of lines and the crash” thing that has been in Xojo since forever. And there is a problem with the Chilkat plugin in the debugger.

As far as I remember my problems with the 50110 were with the Treeview plugin. I haven’t had this issue for a while. But usually, I get the debugger to crash before I get other problems.

However, the question from Paul remains: which subprocesses are 32bit? What can we check to help with this issue?

I agree that the Windows feedback program crashes regularly. The feedback program just crashed on me yesterday on my Windows 10 machine when filing a new feedback case. The good news is that when it recovered from the crash the program recognized a feedback case that had not been entered, and re-submitted the feedback case. The fonts and spacing of the re-submitted feedback case were not correct.

I have stopped reporting issues with Windows Feedback as well. One day it systematically crashed after showing the main window. I tried and tried, until I finally gave up and decided to file the case on Mac.

Lo and behold, the next time I launched it, it worked just fine on the very same machine.

At one point, when the very tool that is supposed to be used to report bugs is even less reliable than Xojo, it is more than discouraging. Emphasis on “raging”…

Gave up trying to use Feedback years ago… I have never in 12 years been able to open it and see or raise any feedback cases.
And yes, I too get the crash when stepping through, if I have variables displayed, especially picture contents.

And these two are not alone, I have seen others on the forum reporting that they no longer send in issues to Feedback.

It’s quite upsetting as a customer of Xojo that feedback feels like /dev/null and that it’s not worth reporting issues. This should be a tremendous concern that customers aren’t reporting issues, and that they’re being chased away by the responses received in feedback. This is not Jeff, Michel, or any customer’s problem - this is Xojo’s problem.

I love you, Xojo staff members, but I think the current state of feedback should be raising some alarms over there.

I believe Feedback should be a web app and not a desktop app. That would eliminate any and all installation issues.

What a web app can’t do is gather system information and plugin information. BUT adding a report that is exported by the IDE to be included in every submission seems like it should be doable.

I used to file reports whenever the IDE crashed while debugging a running project, and I sometimes included the (240MB+) project. Xojo was never able to reproduce the problem over the course of many years, even though it’s some kind of memory leak. Now I don’t bother to report, I just keep Activity Monitor running and watch Xojo’s memory consumption. When it approaches 2GB, I quit Xojo and re-launch.

[quote=379352:@Bob Keeney]I believe Feedback should be a web app and not a desktop app. That would eliminate any and all installation issues.

What a web app can’t do is gather system information and plugin information. BUT adding a report that is exported by the IDE to be included in every submission seems like it should be doable.[/quote]

If only Windows Feedback did not crash miserably and apparently at random. If only cases about that did not end up closed for whatever reason as if they went to the waste basket. One cannot ask customers to use a buggy app that itself is meant to report bugs…

The most enraging is the “we could not reproduce the issue” about feedback which has been exploding in everybody’s face for months, if not years !

And while we are into bugs about feedback, why in heaven and elsewhere is the IDE incapable of seeing Feedback in my Windows 10 system, so when I want to report a crash of the IDE, I am told feedback is not installed ?

At any rate, i spite of crashes and pitiful Feedback app, I happily still develop on PC, with 2016R3 until I find a way to do precision printing with more recent versions.

Honestly, I think this is such a lame excuse. When I get emails about bugs that I can’t reproduce I reach out and do everything I can to reproduce it. I’ve even ended up on the phone working through screensharing to see how the issues occur.

[quote=379348:@Jeff Tullin]Gave up trying to use Feedback years ago… I have never in 12 years been able to open it and see or raise any feedback cases.
And yes, I too get the crash when stepping through, if I have variables displayed, especially picture contents.[/quote]
When I tried to communicate to Xojo that I couldn’t get “Feedback” to work (it crashed, or ignored me, or both)… Guess what I was told to do? yup “Submit a Feedback request please”…

That is like “Please respond if you didn’t get this email”

I wish Feedback was a Xojo Web App.

I believe that if they used a web app that was written and maintained by someone else it would free up some time on their end to work on other things. I personally recommend Mantis because I’ve become quite familiar with it’s interface through work.

I don’t think that spending the time to re-create a bug/ticket system in Xojo Web would offer any benefit to both Xojo Inc and us as users.

All is required, really, is a clean Desktop app that works as reliably as the Mac version.

I frankly do not see how with the same code, then end up with a crash monster under Windows, and a Mac app solid as a rock…

My reasoning for wanting Feedback as a Web App is to help flush out issues with Web Apps by eating the dog food. :slight_smile:

I agree there are more pressing issues…