Fatal Error

I had two IOS projects open when my laptop ran out of power, now they both give a Fatal Error and quit Xojo. I don’t seem to be able to login into feedback so posting here as a loose thread.

The only additional information I have is I was working on the developer certificates and bundle id to get ready to upload for testing.

Any thoughts?

I’ll be the first one with the glib question… “Were you backup files corrupted to?, I mean you DID have backups right?”

Good old Time Machine to the rescue. I was just curious if I could recover the last 2 hours work, not the end of the world but I am more interested in the cause of the fatal error.

Most likely something was in the process of being written to when the computer shut down… Didn’t it warn you? Mine tells me at 2% giving me a minute or two to be graceful

It most likely did but just seemed odd to knock out 2 projects surely it was only writing one at shut down. That will teach me not to watch Kelly Slater win Tahiti and try and code at the same time :slight_smile: