"Failed to locate Framework DLL"


I’ve just downloaded Xojo and tried a short program. When I press “Run” I have to wait quite a long time and then I get the above message.

If I click OK, the message goes away, and if I click “Run” again, the program compiles and runs in about 3 seconds.

The problem occurs every time I make a change and press “Run”.

Can anyone help, please?

How about trying no program? Open a new project, don’t do anything, and click Run. Do you still see the same issues?

Yes - just the same.

Did you save the project somewhere before running it?


Run windows update. Make sure your system is up to date. Am I right suspecting that it is not a Win 10?

It was Win 10 fully updated - but I appear to have solved the problem, which seemed to be something with Avast!

It always is.
First question I ask when giving support…