I have an imagewell, ImageWell1, I drop images on that imagewell, and the images contain text only, about 20 characters at most.
How can I extract the text from the image being displayed in ImageWell1?
I have an imagewell, ImageWell1, I drop images on that imagewell, and the images contain text only, about 20 characters at most.
How can I extract the text from the image being displayed in ImageWell1?
You need some kind of OCR solution.
If you have the MBS plugins you should be able to use the functions they provide via the open source tesseract engine.
Thanks kevin g,
This is for a personal project, looking for a free solution.
Thanks again,
The tesseract project has binaries for MS-Windows & Linux so you might be able to interact with.
I think there might be a macOS version available on Homebrew / Mac Ports.
Or use LiveText API (look at Apple Developer Support).
Thanks Emile,
I checked it out… That requires a knowledge of Swift which I lack.
: For macOS apps, add Live text interface by adding a view above the view containing the image."
I would appreciate a Xojo version… anyone?
I use Amazon AWS Textract, which is not free but not expensive either. Works way better than Tesseract in my experience.
Thanks Julia,
It is not a big issue, so I have to use a workaround since it is not a common task for my project.
Thanks again.