Extract picture from video to RAM

Hi, I want to take a movie, step through it frame by frame, grab that frame into RAM/memoryBuffer, and run an analisys of the pixels etc…

is this possible…

I can use movieplayer.position and step by step it… but how do I extract a full frame image from a video, into RAM…

And I need it to go fast… :slight_smile: AVfoundationMBS or is it possible natively in Xojo ?

I used the VLC plugin by MBS to add graphics (subtitles) to video. Worked ok
I don’t think it can be done in pure Xojo since the EditabeMovie is not supported anymore

I don’t have to write back or anything else, only reading it. pixel by pixel after I have transfered the full frame into memory.

In the VLC plugin I was able to grab a picture from a given time in the video.
I bet you can do pixel-by-pixel analyzing with it

I’ll try it then. But do you know if it will play prores quicktime files ?
And do I have to install VLC player on my system ?

I use Prores myself all the time, since I work as a professional cameraman / video editor. Not too long ago (January this year) I filmed a Classic Car Rally in Norway, for a week long. Start and finish was in Oslo :D. I love your country. But very expensive :confused:

I have never used ProRes with the VLC plugin though. But I think it should work

First question is whether this is for Mac only or cross platform?

only mac, or maybe pc… but mac indeed :slight_smile:

I can not get the simple examples for VLC to start at all… running on mac 10.11.3 :frowning:

I had a hard time, too.
What I did to get it to work is downloading a 32bit version of VLC. Then opening the VLC app (package contents). Find the library files. Copy those to a folder on my desktop. In the Xojo example there is a reference to the VLC libraries. Change the path to the library files on the desktop. That worked for me

Evntually you can embed the VLC libraries in your mac app. So, the end-user doesn’t have to have the libraries on the desktop

For Mac you can check the “Extract video frames” example in AVFoundation folder.

Christian, what about you QTKit… or is this the thing we should move away from, since apple is dropping quicktime…

you have the .copy and .stepForward commands here that makes it so much more easy :slight_smile:

qtkit is deprecated.
AVMovie stuff is now more modern.