Experiences running from network drive

We have a locked down storage system, with a lot of permissions. Only three people can access it. Broadcasting a server (which I am not allowed to do) over a network is completely different.

Please people, this is not a plastic NAS solution. It is a complicated company network that serves 5.000+ staff and 25.000+ students.

If the rules mean that you cannot install the application on the local machine, while still accessing the protected file on the network drive, then there’s not a lot you can do about startup speed.

If you are going to access the sqlite database off the network drive, then protect yourself from multiple access by, say, the first person to open the database renames the file first. Then the second person to try to access it will see that it is in use and can display a warning to try again later.

Or add a table to the database that shows the file is “locked” and the IP of the machine that locked it. Check for no lock record and add one when the app starts. Remove it when the app quits. That way, if something goes wrong and the file is left locked, that same IP can run the app again and exit cleanly, removing the lock.

[quote=410176:@Tim Hare]If you are going to access the sqlite database off the network drive, then protect yourself from multiple access by, say, the first person to open the database renames the file first. Then the second person to try to access it will see that it is in use and can display a warning to try again later.

good luck with 30000+ potential users …

He said he only has 3 users.

Indeed and not at the same time.

But everything we do with data is under scrutiny if there is personal data involved and things like running a server are no-go’s. Yes I can run a server outside of the network, but then I will get into GDPR-problems.

I think the lock mechanism should work, so I will probably create a text file with the ip address and a .lock extension, so it is easy to remove if it is locked by accident because the app crashed (aka I can ask if anyone is using it even, because laptops have no fixed IP). When the program starts, I will check if this file is available and quit with a warning if it is.