I have a problem on a client site where they will randomly get a Nil Exception Error without warning and anywhere within my program. I have been running the same program on my development Mac for days and it never crashes and I have tested it on Windows 10 and again never crashes. The client is running the program on Windows 10 but what I have found is that it only crashes when the PC has eSet anti-virus installed.
Has anyone else had issues with eSet and a Xojo program or other anti-virus software that causes Nil Exception errors? My client is going mad and I can’t give them an answer
[quote=317680:@Sascha S]No, but the Net is full of issues regarding ESET Products.
Maybe, here’s something which may help you withi this issue: http://support.eset.com/kb3733/?viewlocale=en_US[/quote]
Thanks, yeah I had read that but they are running the latest version of everything and I have even done a fresh install of Windows 8 and 10 with the latest version of eSet and it still crashes my app. The thing is that eSet doesn’t complain or say it is a virus or anything else. It appears to happen more often when I am doing a database query or when a window closes in my program. You can leave the program running open for days and you then click something that causes a window to open or close and bang you get the error message and the program closes. If I do a stack trace it doesn’t show anything has caused the crash so I was thinking if their might be a way to catch the nil exception and just tell my program to ignore it but not sure if that is safe or even how I would do that.
[quote=317690:@Sascha S]Look for an UnhandledException Event in the “App” Object in Xojo.
I wouldn’t recommend it, but you could try it with just returning a “True” from this event.[/quote]
Ah ok I will look at that, but agree with you that it a nasty hack and would be a last resort. I will give it a try to see if it makes the error go away. Thanks