Error with ad-hoc signing

I just upgraded from macOS 10.14 to 11.5, and updated my Web project to Xojo 2021 R2.1.

When I try to build I get this error:

**Error signing application: sh: line 1: 19403 Bus error: 10 /Applications/ -sdk /Applications/ -find codesign_allocate 2> /dev/null**

**codesign_allocate: error: unable to find utility "codesign_allocate", not a developer tool or in PATH**

**/Users/user/Documents/Programming/MyApp/Builds - MyApp/OS X 64 bit/MyApp/MyApp: the codesign_allocate helper tool cannot be found or used**

I’m guessing this is because my XCode is out of date? I have XCode 10.3 which crashes in Big Sur. I’ll update Xcode to 12.5.1 and report back.

Update: updating Xcode did the trick.