Error on instantiation: Type mismatch error. Expected class RowPrfClass, but got class RowPrfClass

The RowPrfClass are valid class names.
I’ve used the pattern elsewhere, but this doesn’t work.

I don’t understand this error.
First two lines in this method “DoSortList,”

Var nwsort() As RowPrfClass nwsort() = New RowPrfClass
generates this error:

[quote]YPrf.DoSortList, line 2
Type mismatch error. Expected class RowPrfClass, but got class RowPrfClass
nwsort() = New RowPrfClass

What am I missing.

You define an array. So you cannot assign it.
Use AddRow, e.g.

Var foo() As CSomeClass foo.AddRow New CSomeClass