June 11, 2018, 3:09pm
I need to make a simple export / import data from the DB in a system I have running.
So my first choice was tab delimited fileds to a text file, and ‘endofline’ as a record (row) separator.
The problem is, in the DB there is a multiline ‘comments’ field where users usually use endofline.
So what character can I use as a safe terminator for each line when exporting the data?
chr(0) ?
June 11, 2018, 3:34pm
EOL that is part of the data should be enclosed in DoubleQuotes (per what little CSV standard there is)
If so, any proper importer should handle it with whatever EOL you choose as record delimiter
TADPOLE for example can import files like this
June 11, 2018, 3:41pm
EOL that is part of the data should be enclosed in DoubleQuotes -> I didn’t know that
I’ve tried with chr(0) and seems to work. I’ll make some more tests and decide which way to go… thanks Dave.