El Capitan System Integrity Protection Issues

Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner! That did it!

So the plist needs to be owned by root. OK. I think I can incorporate all that into the code I want to use…

[quote=255947:@Jon Ogden]Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner! That did it!

So the plist needs to be owned by root. OK. I think I can incorporate all that into the code I want to use…[/quote]
Any time you want to get the original just do this

cp /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/tftp.plist ~/Desktop/jastftp.plist;sudo chown root /Your folder/jastftp.plist;sudo chgrp wheel /Your folder/jastftp.plist

Yes the plist is owned by the root… :wink:
I am glad you fixed.

And transfers are working too. Sweet!