I have python 3 installed. When I type “which python” into the terminal it tells me the location is:
Is this not the normal set up? I’m trying the Einhugur Python3Script and it fails this test:
If not Python3Script.PythonIsFound() then
MsgBox "Correct Python installation was not found on this machine"
I’m not finding anything on the Einhugur site that explains how the “correct python installation” is defined. Clearly I just used a common installer (anaconda).
On Windows t wont care about the path it goes by what your default installation in the registry. (I don’t know if your 3rd party python installation would use same registry key system or not)
Also note we support 3.4.x and 3.5.x, not 3.0.x or 3.1.x for example.
Anaconda is a widely distributed scientific package for Mac/Windows/Linux that includes their own compiled Python interpreter, as well as a ton of data-related packages like iPython, Pandas, matplotlib etc.
I dont got it working on Default path setting on the Mac. I don’t know why I could not get it to work like that but we will revisit that. And plan is to allow also custom paths.
But as is then:
Mac: It searches for the path where the official one puts it.
Windows: Default path setting.
Linux: Default path setting.
I am looking into it I was testing if there was still any use for the hard path on OS X, but it definitely is not loading without it, and so far I am only finding on the net users with same issue having to hard nail the path.
I am looking a bit more into it, the hard path is not nice thats for sure.
If I cant get it to work then other way would be to allow you to put in any path you want in your app. Last version of the plugin was almost ready to allow that so that would not be so far off.
Ok so small update here, I have been working on it all day. I am definitely going to support it so we can use Anaconda from Xojo.
I had somewhat hellish time connecting to it today so it will probably take few days before I have something out, but I have it sort of working in rough tests at the moment.
Some quirks though:
You will be needing to tell your application the location of it (it will be treated as selecting alternate installation), where you can set up fall backs and such.
Anaconda seems to be only 64bit on the Mac (unless I just cannot find the 32bit installer?), so debugging is going to be not easy until Xojo adds 64 bit debugger.