Editfield Scaling

If I start with a standard edit field height = 22 and system font =0 and I scale the editfield to be larger in proportion with the window being scaled, how do I know what font size will fit the newly scaled editfield? I tried 2/3’s the EF Height which seems to work on the Mac side but on Windows it comes up quite a bit short??

Welcome to the enchanted world of scaling controls. I had to work quite a bit to make RubberViews work transparently on Mac and Windows.

You will have to apply a correction under Windows.

+1 for rubberviews

A standard scaling for both Windows and Mac is probably not going to work.
You can specify a separate scaling for Windows and Mac.

#If TargetWindows Then // Your Windows scaling #ElseIf TargetMacOS Then // Your Mac scaling #Else ... // Linux? #EndIf

When you say +1 do you mean +1 for Windows?
What if the window size has doubled and the edit field is now 44 in height what does the font size always double? I’m not exactly finding this.

If you are interested in rubberviews I am pretty sure you can download it and try it in the IDE project. I say +1 because I’ve used it and it does the job (both Windows and Mac). Michel B can help you along if you decide to try out rubberviews. If you want to do your own scaling the method Paul S suggests is probably the right approach.

[quote=475559:@Paul Sondervan]A standard scaling for both Windows and Mac is probably not going to work.
You can specify a separate scaling for Windows and Mac.[/quote]

That is the best way to go.

You can download the trial version from rubberviews.com.