Duplicating LibreOffice Start-up Interface

Libre Office has a startup interface with a column of options on the left with an updating grid of documents/options on the right.

See first three screenshots at the top of this page

Here’s a better view.

I’ve tried using plain buttons, labels, and a listbox to duplicate this interface and behavior, and haven’t really had a lot of luck. What’s happening is these controls let me duplicate some functionality, but not all functionality. I have a suspicion the listbox would give me the best opportunity to emulate the behavior completely, but what do you guys/gals think? How would you go about duplicating that main-screen functionality?

Im doing something similar with a listbox and some tabpanels.

Listbox down the left, with a 32 to 40 pixel row height and custom drawing in the CellTextPaint.
Tab panel on the right with a variety of controls, one tab per list item.

Change the tab panel index when the listbox Change event occurs.

[quote=219450:@Jeff Tullin]Im doing something similar with a listbox and some tabpanels.

Listbox down the left, with a 32 to 40 pixel row height and custom drawing in the CellTextPaint.
Tab panel on the right with a variety of controls, one tab per list item.[/quote]

Jeff, thanks for the info! How do you set the pixel row height of the listbox? ADD: Found DefaultRowHeight…

And how do you hide the tabs of the panels?

I would guess they are page panels and not tab panels.

Yes, sorry… page panels is right.

I draw the icon images in the celltextpaint event.
The camera icon is drawn in the paint event of the canvas you can see on this page.
There is a line drawn along the top and bottom to define the areas.

And the button texts change in context with the action selected on the left.