Drawing Order?

I have a container control with some controls in it.
I want to draw some lines and rectangles on top of those other controls… however when I do implement the paint method my drawing is correct but my drawing is done first then the rest of the objects are done after. This my drawing is ‘underneath’ the other objects and I want it on top.

What have I missed?

you missed the fact that the PAINT event of a control is ON that control… and happens before the “drawing” of other controls that might be “contained” within. The only way to draw OVER the controls is to place a canvas at the highest Z-order (bring to front), but that might interfere with clicks etc.

As a rule of thumb I’d never try to draw over controls. Try to rework your UI or draw everything in a canvas then you can draw where you want. Maybe post a screenshot and we could point you in an easier/better direction?