Download a specific folder from my Site/FTP on Mac

hello guys

          I always developed my software exclusively to work locally on Mac, but now I need a feature to download a specific folder with some items (TXT files and images) every day from a folder that I will put in my ftp, I have no idea How can I do this, can anyone help me with this ? 

Tanks in advance.

To download something you need a socket. For uploading you can use .

Hello Beatrix,

This project is still experimental and I don’t want to invest in plugins, is there a native way in XOJO that I can use for this ?

Curl is a CLI and you can use the shell to talk to the CLI.

You can do that in native Xojo. You didnt ask for uploads.

See HTTPSocket — Xojo documentation
or URLConnection if you are using 2019

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