Double quotes?

I have this array tripFields():

I want to trim the fieldnames (“dtc”:slight_smile: from the array, keeping only the values

for i as integer = 0 to tripFields.Ubound tripFields(i) = ReplaceAll(tripFields(i),"""dtc"":") 'repeating this for all the other fieldnames next

gives the message “There’s more than one item etc.”

How do I trim this fieldname from the array with the quotes?

you’re missing the “replace with that” parameter
tripFields(i) = ReplaceAll(tripFields(i),""“dtc”":", “”)

LOL… Norman beat me by 2 seconds :slight_smile:

Aahhrgg! Thought I could omit that parameter if empty.


[quote=250483:@Alexander van der Linden]Aahhrgg! Thought I could omit that parameter if empty.
I’m curious what on or mislead you to believe it was optional ?
This really isn’t a criticism more to understand WHY you thought it was optional if empty

[quote=250490:@Norman Palardy]I’m curious what on or mislead you to believe it was optional ?
This really isn’t a criticism more to understand WHY you thought it was optional if empty[/quote]

I read: “If newString is an empty string (”"), the ReplaceAll function deletes every occurrence of the oldString in the sourceString"
So reading not closely enough I saw ‘empty’ and thought - Hey I can leave that one out, like in the Mid() function.

That will help us make the docs clearer