Document windows being minimized

Hey all…

My app has a fullscreen window on the back (as if it would be a MDI app, but it is not), and some buttons on it.

Every button opens up a document window. But every new window that opens, minimizes the windows that were opened. Of course I can bring them all up from the taskbar after being minimized… but that’s not the idea…

Is there a way to force the document windows to stack on top of each other and share the screen space without them being minimized when a new window is opened ?


that is the normal behavior. There is something in your code which is causing the minimizing effect you are seeing.

what could be ? any ideas on where should I start looking ?

maybe it’s because I have a fullscreen window maximized in the back ??

I made a little test project witha main backround window and three buttons that open up three new windows… I am NOT seeing what you described as a normal behavior…

I see the main window in the back, which stays in the back, and new windows opening up… yes… but every new window that opens up, minimizes the one that was opened on top of the main background window… there’s only ONE window overlapping… never more than ONE window…

geez… they don’t minimize… they just get on the back of the main… window… Is this the expected behavior ?

By the reference to MDI, I suppose you are doing that under Windows. Posting in the Windows channel would have helped.

Make your windows modeless dialog. Leave the main window as document.

Yes. By clicking the button, you are giving that (maximized) window focus, which brings it to the front. You need to loop through your open windows and Show each one (you may need to use some declares if this is on Windows - show doesn’t always do the trick).

ok, first, I apologize for not posting in windows channel. You are right, Michel.
On my defense I have to say it was 5 am when I posted :slight_smile:

I finally did what Tim suggested, I guess he meant something like this (before opening a new window)…

dim n as integer = WindowCount

for i as integer = 0 to n - 1

if Window(i) isa MAIN = false then Window(i).SetFocus


and now it’s behaving… Thanks a lot, guys.

Yep. Glad it worked for you.

[quote=279909:@Roman Varas]ok, first, I apologize for not posting in windows channel. You are right, Michel.
On my defense I have to say it was 5 am when I posted :-)[/quote]

No need for apologies. Posting in the Windows channel will avoid the usual question “Mac or Windows ?” and speed up pertinent replies.