displaying text on a web container

For clarification
Chrome and Windows SOME labels show some don’t.
Its not predictable.

The labels are both manually placed in the IDE (when a static label is required) AND dynamically added with embedwithin.
Where possible I use static labels as embedding several (hundred) can be slow.

I have used text fields in place of labels setting the style to it. A couple of bug bears though is that unlike labels, text fields have borders which needs to be styled out and you cannot seem to get a finger pointer over a text field despite being set in the IDE.

I have tried modals, sheets, windows, containers everything. I wondered if it was just a debug issue, the answer is no after a compiled web app still did it. The results are random for controls but when a label does not show text its always that label that does not show text.

I cant even get enough lucid info to pass in a feedback bug - its weird and annoying!

ps multiline looks $&($! as padding also does not work…

[quote=178366:@Chris Musty]I have used text fields in place of labels setting the style to it. A couple of bug bears though is that unlike labels, text fields have borders which needs to be styled out and you cannot seem to get a finger pointer over a text field despite being set in the IDE.


Looks like a Canvas based custom control could do the job. Since the bug seems terribly random, that is probably the best route.

Yes build custom labels… freaking labels!!! The most rudimentary control needs a custom build because its broken! I love Xojo but sheeeeesh, sometimes it drives me nuts!