display pariculer format text on the window

Displaying an output text in the window as shown in this attached screenshot.

The following code is all most similar to vb6 code but doesn’t work under Paint Event … , need help.

  Dim LPhase(4) As String
  dim CR as string
  CR= EndOfLine
  // 4 events
  LPhase(1) = " NL:"
  LPhase(2) = " PQ:"
  LPhase(3) = " PL:"
  LPhase(4) = " DQ:"
  Dim mo , ip , JC As integer
  // compute ...
  For mo = 1 To 12    //months loop
    // compute ...
    For Ip = 1 To 4   //4 event per month loop
      // compute ...
      Select Case Ip
      Case 1
        // compute ...
        JC =1
      Case 2
        // compute ...
        JC = 2
      Case 3
        // compute ...
        JC = 3
      Case 4
        // compute ...
        JC=  4
      End Select
      dim str1, str2 , stroutput as string
      str1 = LPhase(ip)                     // 4 events per month
      str2=  " date : " + JC.ToText   // date event
      stroutput = str1+ "  " + str2   //concat..
      g.DrawString(stroutput, 10 ,ip*15 , 0, false)
      If ip mod 4 = 0 Then  g.DrawString("----", 15,ip*20,0,false)  // separation between each group of 4 events, could be  blank space
      system.debugLog " Phases : " + stroutput                              //print events for the complet year (12 monts)
    Next Ip
  Next mo

I have resolved the moonphase table as shown in the screenshot attached.
Using StringShape by “dim ss As New StringShape”, adjusting the for-next “mo” to the coordinate ss.y of the.
Instead of window my table is displayed into canvas …
It’s running properly.