Display of launch image in iOS app

Is it possible to increase the time for displaying the launch image.

I just want to increase it by just 1 sec (not too long I know).

[quote=235749:@Richard Schmidt]Is it possible to increase the time for displaying the launch image.

I just want to increase it by just 1 sec (not too long I know).[/quote]

You can display the launch image for one second more in the default view, then pushto another view.

Just be aware that Apple’s HIG states that the launch image should not be thought of or used as a splash screen; that ideally it shows an image that represents your app’s UI to create the impression that your app is open while it is still loading. I can’t think of a reason to want to slow this process down.

@Jason Tait : Thanks for your tip about the HIG. I think I just leave it this way then. It now briefly shows an image and that should probably do.

and NOBODY does it that way :slight_smile: … especially in iOS8/9 where LaunchScreen.XIB is now the reccommended replace for antique launch images

Well I wouldn’t say “nobody” exactly but I also won’t disagree with you - there are a lot of splash screens in use :). However some of the most well known apps do comply with the guidelines. The Facebook app, for example, shows an image of a newsfeed while it loads your actual newsfeed on startup. It can be effective if you can manage to pull it off.

I’m not saying the OP has to comply religiously with Apple’s HIG. I just wanted to point out that Apple does have a position on this even if it’s not obviously enforced. My own app just has its logo in the middle of the screen which seems a fairly common way to deal with this. On an iPhone 6s/6s Plus this is all largely moot as the devices are now so fast the loading/splash screen is only up very briefly.