Display a pdf file in a Xojo control

I would like to display a pdf file in a control on a window. Is this possible without plug-ins?

Depends what you hope for with ‘display’

You can .openaspicture to get the contents of a pdf file.

It will show you the first page esaily (and display it nice, at 100%).

But how do you display another page / larger or smaller (more or less than 100%) ?

Why not load it in an HTMLViewer?

It’s a good solution …

Sub Openpdf(filename as string)
  #if TargetWin32
    filename = "file://" + replaceall(filename,"\","/")
  #elseif TargetMacOS or TargetLinux 
    filename = "file://" + filename
  ' visualizza il file pdf su HTMLViewer
  dim stringopen as string
  stringopen = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'>" + EndOfLine
  stringopen = stringopen + "<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>"+ EndOfLine
  stringopen = stringopen + "<head>"+ EndOfLine
  stringopen = stringopen + "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' />"+ EndOfLine
  stringopen = stringopen +"<title>Visualizzatore PDF</title>"+ EndOfLine
  stringopen = stringopen +"</head>"+ EndOfLine
  stringopen = stringopen +"<body>"+ EndOfLine
  ' qui il codice per la visualizzazione del PDF
  stringopen = stringopen +"<object data='" + filename + "' type='application/pdf' style='width:100%; height:100%; '>"+ EndOfLine
  stringopen = stringopen +"<p>Sembra che non sia installato un visualizzatore web per PDF."+ EndOfLine
  stringopen = stringopen +"Puoi premere sul link <a href='" + filename +  "'> per"+ EndOfLine
  stringopen = stringopen +"scaricare direttamente il file PDF.</a></p>"+ EndOfLine
  stringopen = stringopen +"</object>" + EndOfLine
  stringopen = stringopen +"</body>"+ EndOfLine
  stringopen = stringopen +"</html>"+ EndOfLine
  Dim c As New Clipboard
  c.Text = stringopen
  HTMLViewer1.LoadPage stringopen, Nil
End Sub

you can delete this :

Dim c As New Clipboard
c.Text = stringopen

( was used to do debug … )

I just put the pdf into a folderitem and open it that way.

dim f as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("guide.pdf")
HTMLViewer1.LoadPage f

you used to be able to open it in editable movie and step through pages
but that relied on magic quicktime on OS X did

[quote=67154:@Norman Palardy]
but that relied on magic quicktime on OS X did[/quote]


That relied on magic that quicktime on OS X performed
Clearer ?

LOL, yes.