Dim results As RecordSet statement throws NilObjectException
can someone please tell whats wrong with this shared method?
I cant see it
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT DISTINCT artist FROM mp3Dat ORDER BY artist"
Dim allArtist() As String
Dim m As Integer
Dim results As RecordSet
results = MUSICDB.SQLSelect(sql)
If results <> Nil Then
While Not results.EOF
For m = 0 to results.fieldcount-1
End If
Return allArtist
Make sure you check for a database error after your query:
results = MUSICDB.SQLSelect(sql)
//add this:
If MUSICDB.Error Then
MsgBox("Error: " + Str(MUSICDB.ErrorCode) + " - " + MUSICDB.ErrorMessage)
End If
//continue as before
Also what specific line displays the nil object exception in the debugger? A dim statement shouldn’t give you a nil object exception, so it must be another line… The more info you can provide the better the help we can give.
@Jason King
tried the test for DB error - no message
as for specific line its the results = MUSICDB.SQLSelect(sql) statement
this seems to be an anomaly - I analyzed of the shared method via project menu
shows no problem. @Tanner Lee tried your solution to no avail…
FYI this project work without problems via the carbon framework
these errors only occur using cocoa
I though I had this licked but I keep getting random errors
now I also have windows opening at startup that should be closed
@Tim Hare
not sure I follow. So I had xojo analyze the datadase controller module
found Deprecated item RealSQLDatabase should be SQLiteDatabase instead
Maybe this is my problem?
I can find no example for the correct approach to make changes
here is the the printed Module. I think you may recognize the code.
its form a course I took a few years back
Project: mp3manager_OSXr21trial_v2
Date: Monday, December 8, 2014 11:27:51 AM
Module DatabaseController
Private Const kDatabaseFilename = "MUSICDB.sqlite"
Protected Function ConnectToDatabase() As Boolean
MUSICDB = New REALSQLDatabase // SQLite
Dim dbFile As FolderItem
Dim dbFolder As FolderItem
dbFolder = SpecialFolder.ApplicationData.Child(App.kAppName)
If Not dbFolder.Exists Then
End If
dbFile = dbFolder.Child(kDatabaseFilename)
MUSICDB.DatabaseFile = dbFile
Dim connect As Boolean
If dbFile.Exists Then
connect = MUSICDB.Connect
// Create the database file
connect = MUSICDB.CreateDatabaseFile
If connect Then
// Create the DB Schema
connect = CreateDatabaseSchema
End If
End If
Return connect
End Function
Private Function CreateDatabaseSchema() As Boolean
If Not IsError Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
Sub DisplayDatabaseError(doRollback as boolean)
MsgBox "Database Error: " + str(MUSICDB.ErrorCode) + EndOfLine + EndOfLine + MUSICD
// Rollback changes to the database if specified
if doRollback then
End Sub
Protected Function IsError() As Boolean
If MUSICDB.Error Then
MsgBox("DB Error:" + Str(MUSICDB.ErrorCode) + " - " + MUSICDB.ErrorMessage)
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
End Module
Again, musicdb is the only thing that could be nil on that line of code. Are you quite sure you called ConnectToDatabase before calling this code? Check the value of musicdb in the debugger.
@Tim Hare
I moved the If Not DatabaseController.ConnectToDatabase Then staement to top of the app open event
this seems to have corrected the problem.
Just wondering if the UnhandledException code I’am using is producing false positives
and may not be needed at?
Dim name As String = Introspection.GetType(error).FullName
System.DebugLog "Unhandled exception: " + name
dim stack() as string = error.Stack
for each frame As String in error.Stack
if InStr(frame, ".") > 0 or InStr(frame, "%") > 0 then
System.DebugLog "... " + NthField( frame, "%", 1 )
end if
Dim mbox As New MessageDialog
mbox.Title = "Unhandled " + name
mbox.Message = "An unhandled " + name + " has occurred. Please report this error to the developer."
mbox.ActionButton.Caption = "Continue"
mbox.AlternateActionButton.Caption = "Quit"
mbox.AlternateActionButton.Visible = true
if mbox.ShowModal = mbox.AlternateActionButton then
return false
return true
end if
Also the my Toolbar buttons are very small and distorted is there a command to enlarge them?