Detecting Xojo from a webpage


already did

Delete mine then.

[quote=114212:@Norman Palardy]On Windows 7 in Xojo 2014r2 I just made a tiny app with an htmlviewer and a button
The button just had an action event with

htmlviewer1.useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_5) AppleWebKit/537.76.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.1.4 Safari/537.76.4"

And that seems to report whatever I set
Others must be doing something else as they report other things
So I’m not 100% sure it is or is not working
And that was using the native renderer for the HTMLViewer[/quote]

Although mentioned in 34561 the need to update the documentation to reflect the fact that UserAgent works in Windows does not seem to have been taken into account. I just created a specific documentation bug report :

36433 - HTTPViewer.UserAgent available for Windows

In the page Page Not Found — Xojo documentation it is stated that the property is available only on OSX.

Yet, in Detecting Xojo from a webpage - General - Xojo Programming Forum Norman Palardy verified it does work in Windows 7, and I confirmed it for Windows 8.1.

It would be nice to update the LR to reflect that feature.

WebKit for Windows classes in MBS Plugins are here:

but nothing for username as far as I see.