What am I doing wrong? Behaviour (Mac) is as follows.
Any "Keyboard.xxx; nothing
Any Key = “x”; nothing on the first press, a very quiet beep on the 2nd (rapid) press and then normal beeps thereafter (3rd rapid etc)
All this means that, for cmd-mousedown for instance, the keydown is not registered, so no action.
Any ideas?
If Keyboard.ShiftKey Then
Key = "g" Then
End if
Return True
Modifier keys don’t trigger a KeyDown event. Try this:
if Key = "g" Then
if Keyboard.ShiftKey then
System.Speak( "Shift Plus G" )
elseif Keyboard.CommandKey then
System.Speak( "Command Plus G" )
System.Speak( "G" )
End If
End if
Return True
So, in your MouseDown event, check Keyboard.CommandKey:
var result() as String
if Keyboard.ShiftKey then result.Add( "Shift" )
if Keyboard.CommandKey then result.Add( "Command" )
if Keyboard.AltKey then result.Add( "Alt" )
if Keyboard.ControlKey then result.Add( "Control" )
if IsContextualClick then
result.Add( "Right Click" )
result.Add( "Left Click" )
end if
System.Speak( String.FromArray( result, " plus " ) )
Also: Welcome to the forums!
Thanks Anthony. That’s what I was doing wrong
. And thanks for the welcome. I used to be on here a bit years back but had to take a break. Great to see the vibe is still so nice.
Just happy to help! And welcome back!