Deleting submenu items

What’s the easiest way to delete all items in a submenu without changing the menu?

close them one by one in reverse order

That brings up three questions:

  1. How do I find out how many there are?
  2. Are they numbered origin zero or one?
  3. A code example would be appreciated.

Sorry remove them and do nothing with them

// if m is the menu item that has child items attached to it

for i as integer = m.Count-1 downto 0

MenuBars & menu items are really quite simple
A MenuBar is a instance of the MenuBar class - it has “children” that represent the top level menus (File, Edit, etc)
Each of those children is a menu item
Each menu item can have children - and all of those children are menu items

[code]MenuBar (name = MenuBar1)
Menuitem (name = File, Text = “File” and other properties to make the FILE menu)
MenuItem (name = FileOpen , Text = “Open” and other properties you want to make the “Open” menu item)

Menuitem (name = Edit and other properties to make the EDIT menu)
MenuItem (name = EditCut, Text = “Cut” and other properties you want to make the “Cut” menu item)


So you can use a for next loop to look for the “File” top level menu item

for i as integer = 0 to MenuBar1.Count-1 if menuBar1.child(i).Name = "File" then msgbox "Found the file menu" next

Or you can look for a specific item in a specific menu (say the Cut item in the Edit Menu)

for i as integer = 0 to MenuBar1.Count-1 if menuBar1.child(i).Name = "Edit" then dim editMenu as menuItem = menuBar1.child(i) msgbox "Found the Edit menu" for j as integer = 0 to editMenu.Count - 1 if editMenu.child(i).Name = "Cut" then msgbox "Found the Edit > Cut menu item" next end if next

and so on as far as you want to go with this.