does anyone know if DBReport from lbmsoft.com is still developed?
Or is the project “dead”?
Thank you very much!
does anyone know if DBReport from lbmsoft.com is still developed?
Or is the project “dead”?
Thank you very much!
tried to work with this but terribly slow rendering and pretty buggy internally.
now using mix of BKS (but rolling own reports in code rather than using the visual report designer), dynaPDF from MBS (because we need to password protect documents, import PDF forms to overprint, join PDF’s together etc) and XLlib for any exports (we made all our reports exportable)
I’ve converted a number of clients over to Shorts from DBReport. I’ve not heard of anything from this developer in a long time and his last blog post is from April 2015. So I’d hazard a guess and say the project is dead.
yeah, I used it for an app and was happy enough although render speed was slow it allowed me to design reports easily so it was a tradeoff i accepted. i bought the sourcecode, but recently I’ve had a few updates that don’t include source and i think its not likely to move fast enough for me.
I tried shorts designer but the sql just isn’t working right with MSSQL on windows. Ive not bothered to annoy Bob because he said there will be a new version out with MBS sql so i was waiting for that/
Ive also tried combit list & label, which has actually pushed me to vb.net because they have more examples for that.
I have to say, reporting in general is pushing me away from XOJO and onto .net.
…ok, thank you very much!
So, the best solution wille be one of the following?!
Valentina is available as Xojo SDK. Looks very professional.
Shorts offers features to desing / edit reports in runtime.
Will evaluate both of them and post my decision…
Have a nice day,
If you are on Windows, you may also want to take a look at this which is relatively simple to use via shell/command line.
…thx, Paul. Will take a look at it.
I tend to Valentina… we’ll see…
Use ‘Shorts’, I have modified to use it with my ERP software.
I’ve also localized in Italian.
It 's fast, and reliable.
See more…
…thank you very much, Massimiliano!
Ok, good to hear.
In my opinion Valentina looks more “professional” - but I will definetely give “Shorts” a try.
If ‘Shorts’ purchases receive the source code, you can tailor the system to your software.
If there’s something you want to change, you can do it.
I do not know if with valentine report, I can do the same thing.
I am quite sure you cannot do this with Valentine.
Also, it does not have the feature to edit / design reports in runtime.
For designing reports you have to purchase Studio (199 USD) plus an SDK for each platform you want to deploy to (199 USD /platform).
So, in the end, “Shorts” might be more powerful…
Hello, I’m still here with DBReport! I changed the website provider and had problems with contact page, so sorry for that.
DBReport is one person project so, I’ve limits. The others products have pros an cons Valentina, shorts and List&labels are good products, however, as I’m freelance developer, 99% of my time is for that project$ (document management, ERP, BI) in my country, on Xojo and xamarin, I will soon have time to DBReport and prepare big surprises.
…good to hear from you, Bernardo!
Looking forward for “big surprises”…
Have a nice day…