DateTimePicker keeps enabling itself in the IDE

I have a dialog that includes 2 DateTimePicker controls, one displays only the date and the other only the time. These controls should only be enabled if some other controls are enabled so I have disabled them in the IDE, however they keep enabling themselves in the IDE. I’ve done a quick search and there is no code (yet) in the application that enables these controls.

Am I missing something?

I one an Intel Mac running Ventura and the latest release of Xojo.

Can you create a sample project that shows this?

It’s nothing to do with the project. After making the initial post above I disabled the controls. Without even running the project a few minutes later they re-enabled themselves. This is an issue in the IDE.

Oh, thanks, yes I can reproduce the problem.

Excellent, Thanks.


Edit: @John_Allen can you open an Issue?

Well, this kind of bug potentially breaks projects, hiddenly changing properties, and when you save any other proper changes, the property messed can get into that project.

It might be similar to the problem I logged last year where the Transparent property on a Canvas control keeps on changing in the IDE.

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From what I see this was a bug that is fixed in version 2024r1.

Edit: Issue #75900

Yes, it appears to have been resolved in 2024R1.

Another workaround I was told to try was to disable the controls in the IDE, save and close the project and re-open it. That also seemed to work.

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