I wrote a custom program to pick a date. I’m new to web apps so I have a couple of questions (they are at the end). Feel free to write your suggestions and comments.
This program opens a calendar date picker based on the desktop example
instead of a container control, I used a windowdialog. I did this because it is more customizable and the webdatepicker coming with Xojo is not working good with languages like french because it depends of the configuration of the user.
It goes with a session IsDatePicked(boolean) that comes back true if the users chooses a date
and false if the users escape the dialog without choosing.
In the event Dismissed (dialog is closing) we called the method session.setDateInTextFieldWebPage1
that finishes the action that was called by the button PickDateButton
if the users quits the dialog without choosing a date it puts the textfield to “”
and write to the label “You have NOT selected a date”
If the users picks a date it writes the property session.datePicked in SQLDate in the textfield
and writes “You have selected a date”
Questions and/or comments ??
I couldn’t use a control set for the buttons so I had to put an event pressed for each button
and I used an array to initialize them at the beginning.
Is there a way to do that in an other way ? in the pressed event of the button class if possible ?
suggestions are welcome.
I used the Session properties to communicate between the webpage and webdialog, Is there an other way ?
Is it better to put the styles of the buttons in the opening event of the datebutton class or when I load the buttons in my array ButtonsList ?
Ricardo Cruz, do you think you could take a peek and tell me if you could improve it and put it in the examples of web apps. ?
Thanks everybody.