<Critical> Runtime Error - usageCount

Can anyone explain this error to me? I am on a MacBook Pro using MySQL (locally installed) and Xojo 4.1

It usually takes me 2-3 times stopping the debug and restarting it for app to successfully run in the browser.

Process Started. Process ID is 1370.
.debug[1370] : Runtime Error
Please report what caused this error along with the information below.
Universal/REALstring.cpp: 204
Failure Condition: usageCount
Process Completed.

That’s normally a bug in the plugin. Memory reference counting is not working correctly.

[quote=56272:@Scott Rich]Can anyone explain this error to me? I am on a MacBook Pro using MySQL (locally installed) and Xojo 4.1

It usually takes me 2-3 times stopping the debug and restarting it for app to successfully run in the browser.

Process Started. Process ID is 1370.
.debug[1370] : Runtime Error
Please report what caused this error along with the information below.
Universal/REALstring.cpp: 204
Failure Condition: usageCount
Process Completed.

Are you using the MySQL plugin from the 2013r4.1 download? or an older one?

I am using the 2013r4.1 version. Date on both files is Dec. 5, 2013

As a test, I rolled back to the 3.3 MySQL plugins. Same thing. My record is 4 times stopping and restarting the debugging. Is there any way around this?

Anyone have a work around? This is getting to be quite annoying.

You could try MBS SQL Plugin instead.

I’d love to see a bug report with a sample as I do use the MySQLplugin from 4.1 in a console app and have no issues with it.
It’s how we build the local language reference.

I submitted

31927 - Framework failed assertion at REALstring.cpp:204