Creating class - properties don't show up

I’m reading here:
about creating your own class.
When I create a class by ‘Insert > Class’ , and I choose 'Label > Statictext
I’m expecting the properties for ‘Label>statictext’ to show up. But they aren’t there until I add it to a Window.
Is this correct?

Yes. The properties are specific to an instance of the class.

I see. Thanks.

Okay, another question from that same page.
I added the properties ‘theCaption’ and ‘theURL’ but when I add an instance of it, the ‘behaviors’ do not show up.

right click on your original CLASS
in the contextual menu is “Inspector Behavior”
select that
you can have properties that are exposed to the inspector
and ones that aren’t

See User Guide - Fundamentals - page 32

Sorry, still not seeing it.

The properties cannot be private - they must be public to appear in inspector behavior.

Ah, thanks, that was the last missing piece.
I appreciate that tutorial owner creating the tutorial, but there was some gaps in instruction there.
Thanks all.