Create your own data types?

Is it possible to create your own data types in XOJO?

For example a List (not a listbox) that contains a Dictionary with name: value pairs with the value being a custom data type object you defined and populated?

Basically, I’m asking if you can create complex data types with arbitrary nesting.

Thanks in advance,

its called a class

So, I’m assuming there are objects like Lists and I can nest them in any arbitrary way, correct?

For example, a List where each row has another list and in that nested list maybe a dictionary or user defined class?


yup… might I suggest a look thru the documentation… there are discussions on classes, dictionary, array, collections and a whole lot more… might help you to need to “assume” less

Thanks Dave. Yeah, I looked at the documentation and it’s excellent. Just didn’t find the exact answer I was looking for so I posted here.