Crashing ...

Xojo is crashing on me with some regularity. I’ve lost much work. What’s especially frustrating is when it crashes it takes down previous versions with it, files that opened before. For example, I’m working on v28c and it crashes. I can no longer open it nor can I open v28b or sometimes v28a. If I go back far enough I find success but usually I’ve lost several hours of work.

I hadn’t noticed a pattern to what causes the crashes until tonight. It happened after I did a large search and replace of variable names. By large I mean over a hundred variables which I renamed using the “All” button from the Find window.

As for the crash behavior, the problem isn’t apparent until I try opening a file. It gets to the end of the process then gets hung up and eventually gives me the heave-ho. I’m running version 2017r3 on Windows 10.

Anyone had such issues? ?

I suppose you are saving source code using GIT and Sourcetree before editing such a large amount of code?
Th webinars on GIT are quite useful, if anyone reading this hasn’t seen them yet


Never heard of GIT or Sourcetree. I’m not a profressional programmer.

Have a look at any variation of source control (SVN is easier than GIT).

If you don’t have a desktop license at least use a main project with external items. Select a folder, do a context click, select “Save as external”.

When Xojo now crashes only the main project is hosed and you can get this out of SVN or GIT. No work lost.

I think the problem – which reoccurred just now and cost me everything I did today (about 4 hours work) – is due to the Find/Replace feature of the IDE. What’s especially frustrating is that the program will continue to run and I won’t realize I have a corrupted file until I try to reopen it. I save multiple copies and all are working when I save with a new name, but upon reopening, crash.

I’m not a professional programmer but I’ve created several apps that are important in my world and I am about to quit Xojo altogether. I’ve paid for the 2017 license and now I’m losing everything I do with regularity. I don’t have the time or inclination to dig into GIT (though I did begin a Webinar on it). It’s just too much to ask for a non-professional like me to always have to learn another level. In fact, learning a new level is what’s causing me the difficulties of the moment as I am rewriting code that did not make use of classes and now do (I just figured out how). And hence all my Find/Replaces.

Very discouraging.

Losing work is discouraging. Do you want to experience this again? If no, check out TortoiseSVN on Windows. It’s free and it takes literally 5 minutes to learn how to use. Then do the externals and you won’t have the problems again.

@Mark Jordan; Are you using Dropbox or a similar online drive to work from? That does not always work good with Xojo and is known to be a potential for odd problems.

Why are you working for 4 hours without intervening saves of your work?

And, are you saving in binary, text, or XML format?

[quote=379837:@Mark Jordan]Xojo is crashing on me with some regularity. I’ve lost much work. What’s especially frustrating is when it crashes it takes down previous versions with it, files that opened before. For example, I’m working on v28c and it crashes. I can no longer open it nor can I open v28b or sometimes v28a. If I go back far enough I find success but usually I’ve lost several hours of work.

I hadn’t noticed a pattern to what causes the crashes until tonight. It happened after I did a large search and replace of variable names. By large I mean over a hundred variables which I renamed using the “All” button from the Find window.

As for the crash behavior, the problem isn’t apparent until I try opening a file. It gets to the end of the process then gets hung up and eventually gives me the heave-ho. I’m running version 2017r3 on Windows 10.

Anyone had such issues?[/quote]
How are you creating your different versions v28a, v28b etc… Some more information on your workflow might help.

I experience at least one Xojo or RB crash on my Mac every day. In over 10 years I have never had it corrupt another version of my project.

It sounds like something could be interfering with Xojo when it saves. Are you saving your projects in a Dropbox type folder or somewhere that is being monitored by some kind of backup application?

Could you give an example of what you’re searching for and replacing with?

I’d also like to know your definition of “crashing”. You seem to be using it interchangeably with project corruption.

@Beatrix Willius]Losing work is discouraging. Do you want to experience this again? If no, check out TortoiseSVN on Windows. It’s free and it takes literally 5 minutes to learn how to use. Then do the externals and you won’t have the problems again.[/quote]

I’ll give it a try.

No, I don’t use Dropbox.

@Tim Jones
I save all the time. I save before running every single time. I save with a new file name (adding a number or letter) about once an hour, maybe more.

@Kevin Gale
I’m starting to think when I am running and it gets corrupted, it will continue to compile and run but not reopen. So I may be working on v28b for half an hour (saving constantly), then decide I need to save with a new name, v28c, and continue working without shutting down or re-opening the project. When I do shut down and reopen later is when I discover the corruption. So I go back to the version just prior (v28b) and find out it’s the same and my first thought was that somehow – I have no idea how – the corrupting influence of v28c did its dirty work on 28b. I know, crazy, but that’s what it seemed like was happening. But now I think 28b was corrupted all along, I just didn’t know it until I re-opened it.

@Greg O’Lone
And that’s (see last sentence above) what I mean by “crashing.” Actually, I should not have been using the work “crash” at all. It’s never crashed. It’s just failed to reopen.

Concerning save types, I just discovered text save format and will try it. At least I could cut and paste the code that way … if the text file would open.

Again, I’m (obviously) an amateur programmer. But I’ve put in quite a bit of time developing two main piece of software, one for my church for displaying songs/scripture on the wall and one for creating anacrostic puzzles which I publish each week in our local paper and for teaching projects I have done in the past (I’m retired from teaching now). I used to create type-in programs for the C-64/128 and wrote articles about all that way back in the 80s. So I’m hampered by that old way of programming in word and deed. But I’m learning.

Thanks for all the responses. I will let you know if this text file method of saving stops the problem. Also, I will check out the Tortoise SVN deal.

I’ve never ever had such a crash other than a project being a little corrupted and when plugins arn’t doing what they should.

I use mac and windows xojo.