Copy and paste duplicates

I see that a similar bug was posted #41228 fixed and verified but I’m still experimenting a similar problem in the latest version.
It doesn’t happens always but copying controls from one window to another the object is copied three times “name”, “name1”, “name2”, one over the other so if you are not aware you got three objects looking as one.

by keyboard or context menu / mouse?
quite possibly that your mouse button is broken.

I tried all options, mouse contextual, mouse menu/edit/paste, and command-v

so you got duplicates with mouse and keyboard usage. hmm

Yes, but not always, and it happens copying from a window to another on the same project, or from one project to another.
This not happens copying Classes, Modules, Methods, Properties…, only with controls, and when it happens, if I try to reproduce it, sometimes it reproduces, and sometimes no…
Now, as I’m aware of it, after copying I look at the name of the object copied, and if is name2 means that a triplicate has happened.

I’m in Mojave 10.14.6
Xojo 2019 R3.1

does is happens at all projects or just at one?
does is happens direct or after a long time working in a project?

I can’t answer that for sure, but I think it happens in general. I’ll try to be aware.

[quote=489862:@Enric Herrera]I’m in Mojave 10.14.6
Xojo 2019 R3.1[/quote]
do you use copyclip ?

copyclip ?
No, I do not know what is it

just a thought, I use it and noticed also some quirks with copy paste in xojo so just asking.

[quote=489853:@Enric Herrera]I see that a similar bug was posted #41228 fixed and verified but I’m still experimenting a similar problem in the latest version.
It doesn’t happens always but copying controls from one window to another the object is copied three times “name”, “name1”, “name2”, one over the other so if you are not aware you got three objects looking as one.[/quote]

This also happens to 3.1 on all projects and usually it’s popupmenus for me. I haven’t seen the copy/paste duo issue on any other control.