cookie can't be re-read

1st webapp lauch html page in htmlviewer
2nd the html page write a cookie
3rd the webapp read cookie but don’t load modify value by html page

thank’s for help

Is this a desktop project or a web project?

it’s a web project

The page that’s displayed in the HTMLViewer is completely separate from your web app. If you need access to those cookies, you’ll probably need to write some javascript and wrap it up with the WebSDK. Even then, I’m not sure you can retrieve them.

i use
TextField33.ExecuteJavascript(“document.getElementById(’” + _
TextField33.ControlID + “_inner’).value=document.cookie;”)

the cookies appears in the textfield but are not accessible with


it’s the old value

Like I said, you’ll probably need to use the WebSDK for this. Just setting the text in a field doesn’t send it to the server. The framework relies on keystrokes to know when it’s time. The WebSDK has a mechanism for controls to send updates to the server.

Also, I don’t suggest setting a textfield’s value this way. By accessing the DOM directly, your code may silently break if we change the control ids.