How do you convert a Variant Object Array to an array when you don’t know the type of Object? All I get are TypeMismatch exceptions!
[code] Dim dDicts() As Dictionary
Dim vVariant As Variant
For i As Integer = 0 to 5
dDicts.Append New Dictionary
vVariant = dDicts
//How to get an array if the Variant.Type= Object?!?!?!?!
If vVariant.IsArray Then
Select Case vVariant.ArrayElementType
Case Variant.TypeObject
Dim xFinalValues() As Variant
Dim xObject() As Object = vVariant //Type MisMatch
For i As Integer = 0 to uBound(xObject)
Dim vThisValue As Variant = xObject(i)
xFinalValues.Append vThisValue
End Select
End If[/code]
Here’s what I’m doing now which seems horribly inefficient:
Function ArrayValueKSW(Extends theVar As Variant) As Variant()
Dim xValues() As Variant
Dim i, iEnd As Integer
If theVar.IsNull Then Return xValues
Select Case theVar.ArrayElementType
Case Variant.TypeNil
Return xValues
Case Variant.TypeBoolean
Dim bValues() As Boolean = theVar
iEnd = uBound(bValues)
For i = 0 to iEnd
xValues.Append bValues(i)
Case Variant.TypeColor
Dim cValues() As Color = theVar
iEnd = uBound(cValues)
For i = 0 to iEnd
xValues.Append cValues(i)
Case Variant.TypeDate
Dim dValues() As Date = theVar
iEnd = uBound(dValues)
For i = 0 to iEnd
xValues.Append dValues(i)
Case Variant.TypeDouble
Dim dValues() As Double = theVar
iEnd = uBound(dValues)
For i = 0 to iEnd
xValues.Append dValues(i)
Case Variant.TypeInteger
Dim iValues() As Integer = theVar
iEnd = uBound(iValues)
For i = 0 to iEnd
xValues.Append iValues(i)
Case Variant.TypeLong
Dim iValues() As Int64 = theVar
iEnd = uBound(iValues)
For i = 0 to iEnd
xValues.Append iValues(i)
Case Variant.TypeSingle
Dim iValues() As Single = theVar
iEnd = uBound(iValues)
For i = 0 to iEnd
xValues.Append iValues(i)
Case Variant.TypeString
Dim sValues() As String = theVar
iEnd = uBound(sValues)
For i = 0 to iEnd
xValues.Append sValues(i)
Case Variant.TypeObject
Dim has_found As Boolean #pragma BreakOnExceptions False
If Not has_found then
Dim xObject() As Object = theVar
For i = 0 to uBound(xObject)
Dim vTest As Variant = xObject(i)
If vTest.IsArray Then xValues.Append vTest.ArrayValueKSW() Else xValues.Append vTest
has_found = True
Catch xNotRight As TypeMismatchException
End Try
End If
If Not has_found then
Dim xObject() As Variant = theVar
For i = 0 to uBound(xObject)
Dim vTest As Variant = xObject(i)
If vTest.IsArray Then xValues.Append vTest.ArrayValueKSW() Else xValues.Append vTest
has_found = True
Catch xNotRight As TypeMismatchException
End Try
End If
If Not has_found then
Dim dDicts() As Dictionary = theVar
For i = 0 to uBound(dDicts)
xValues.Append dDicts(i)
has_found = True
Catch xNotRight As TypeMismatchException
End Try
End If
If Not has_found Then Break
#pragma BreakOnExceptions True