Contextualmenus broke in Xojo2015r1?

The MouseDown event fires instead of the ContextualMenu events when placing objects on a pagepanel or within a container control. Has anyone found a workaround thus far for 2015?

Yosemite…haven’t tried MTNL

Do you mean when you click in the IDE or built apps?

I have an app with a rather large canvas within a container control…scrollbars allow the canvas to be panned. Yet when attempting to invoke the canvas’ contextual menu via touchpad button, the mousedown event fires. This does not occur with the same code on Windows nor Linux, only Yosemite.

IDE and built apps. The same button within the Xojo IDE will invoke Xojo contextual menus though…

Related Post:

Apparently it’s been broke since May 2014.

Well that looks like it relates specifically to trying to construct on a popup menu. You’re saying it won’t work on container control?

I’ve located some other unusual behaviors on Mac, that neither Windows nor Linux experience for the source. When clicking the canvas inside the containercontrol, the canvas never receives focus (GotFocus and contextual events don’t fire, but MouseDown does? Odd odd). I suppose I’ll send the source to Xojo to see what Joe/Greg/Norman/or whoever sees it thinks the issue is. I can create a project, drop a canvas on it, and all the events fire in a blank project. It’s just odd that the code works perfect on Windows and Linux, but on Mac the subclassed canvas behaves incorrectly for this project, but correctly for a blank newly created project with a subclassed canvas…of the same canvas control. Perhaps something in the project file format is eschew.

Contextual menus on popups basically are not supported on Cocoa
Right click and click are the same
This is OS default behaviour

[quote=169798:@Norman Palardy]Contextual menus on popups basically are not supported on Cocoa
Right click and click are the same
This is OS default behaviour[/quote]

Thanks Norm! My reply is a little delayed, but yours helped; and we found another solution to mimic the desired outcome.